How to analyse visitors to a specific website page, where they came from, and which pages they went to next

How to analyse visitors to a specific website page, where they came from, and which pages they went to next

Analysing people who get to important pages of your website leads to insights into what could be missing as part of the buyer journey

You can see how many landed on that website page, and whether they got to other pages that you wanted them to

People landing on your website page will normally be as a result of a form of marketing that you have implemented, including:

  • Paid advertising (e.g. Google Ads).
  • Organic traffic (e.g. visibility in organic Google search results).
  • Email marketing campaigns.

In some cases you don’t need people to go further than that landing page (e.g. there may be a form to complete or another call to action for them to take) and so your measure of success would be how many points of contact you received from the total number of people who landed on that website page.

In other cases, you may expect people to go off to other parts of your website (for example, they may look at a service you offer and then a case study related to that service, followed by your contact page).


For people you expect to take action on the landing page

If people aren’t engaging or are going further than your landing page (instead of taking the action you want them to) then there must be a problem with either your landing page or the marketing that is bringing them to that page.

Your first action would be to closely analyse the form of marketing visibility that brought people to that landing page.  Here are a few reasons why that marketing may be off-target and people don’t take action:

  1. In paid advertising (e.g. Google Ads), the search terms are off-target. This is very common in cases where the business doesn’t understand that the click they got for their keyword is not what the person searched for.  For example, the keyword ‘plastic widgets’ got the click but the searcher had actually typed ‘plastic widget jobs’.  8/10 Google Ads campaigns I look at have been experiencing that problem (which is thankfully easy to resolve).
  2. Also in paid advertising such as Google Ads, the advert text used attracts the wrong type of clicks. For example, a scanning services  company is visible for the keyword phrase ‘3d scans’ but fails to include reference to them only working for corporate clients and not at all focused on consumers who want something small scanned.  End result: people skim read the advert, don’t see anything to deter them, click through and ultimately become a wasted click because there was a mismatch between what they meant by ‘3d scans’ and what they discover the business is offering.
  3. Organic search engine visibility could be making the website page visible for search phrases that aren’t relevant enough. For example, the widget manufacturer has used the wording ‘some of the jobs we’ve worked on’ within their page text, Google has misinterpreted that and when someone searches Google for ‘widget jobs’ their page appears in the organic search results and the click is gained but from someone who was looking for work.

Only after eliminating the possibility that your marketing efforts could be bringing the wrong people to your website, would you be looking in more depth at the landing page itself.

If the intention is for people to make contact from that page, but they don’t, or they click further into your website, then it’s highly likely that there was something lacking in the page they landed on.

So the question then becomes: what’s missing on the page?

The answers to this will be varied depending on the page, but here are some more typical reasons:

  1. The call to action to make contact doesn’t have assurances that you won’t spam them after they complete their details.
  2. The product or service you’re offering is not supported by numerous case studies/testimonials (related to that product or service) that people would be impressed by.
  3. There is no live chat on the page (to allow people to ask quick questions).
  4. There is no form of guarantee or USP that would encourage people to submit their details.

In short, if your marketing is bringing the right types of people to your landing page but you’re not getting enough enquiries from those, then it means that the page itself is lacking in some way.


For people you expect to click further into the website pages

It’s often better to get people to click off to other supporting website pages, including giving people the option to look at other elements of your business.

Your marketing may have brought someone directly to your product or service page and so, as long as the marketing is bringing in the right types of people, you may expect people to click off to other pages as part of their natural process of finding out more about your business.

As an example, someone searches for ‘widgets manufacturer’ and clicks through to your landing page that provides people with:

  1. Brief information about your capabilities.
  2. Plenty of case study summaries, allowing people to click off to deeper case study pages within the website.
  3. Reference to your USP’s, which takes people to another website page where you focus on them in more detail.
  4. A link to your contact page, where they can get a quotation or make contact.

Here, for example, is a video showing (using the software I supply on a free trial) someone landing on a page from an organic Google search, and them going off to look at specific case studies related to that page, plus also the page showing more about the company (which is normally a good sign of people thinking about engaging) …

You can see which other pages did or didn’t lead to people getting to that page, which helps to uncover weaknesses in the website flow

The only difference between this and people landing directly on your website page of interest, is that here we are not focusing on the people who landed on your page of interest – just those who got to it during their website visit.

Two of the principles are the same though:

  1. If the form of advertising has holes in it, then the people who land won’t get as far as your website page of interest.
  2. If other pages of the website lack strength then people won’t click as far as your page(s) of interest.

Focusing on point 2 in particular (point 1 is covered earlier in this article), I recommend spending time closely analysing your ‘goal’ page(s) and comparing to how many people you think should be getting to that goal after visiting other parts of your website.

Taking case studies (which, in my view, are the lifeblood of most websites when done correctly) as an example, the problem is one of two things:

  1. There aren’t enough case studies within the website that are focused on the service or product you want to sell more of.
  2. There ARE enough case studies related to each product or service, but they’re not signposted on the product or service pages.

Here’s an example video of how a digital agency gets it right by having a good number of case studies (their goal pages) that are referenced from the service (web development) offering page:


What that video shows is a rarity – websites don’t often have enough case studies, nor strong enough placemarkers that get people to those pages.

You can get an understanding of what brought each person to the website before getting to your website page of interest

Sometimes it’s interesting to find out what brought people to your website prior to them finding their way to your website page of interest.

For example, someone may have got to your red widgets page and they became an enquiry for you.   By using website analytics you can see the source of the website visitor, the page they landed on, and which pages they looked at before getting to your website page of interest.

I say ‘using website analytics’ but Google Analytics can’t give you that specific (page by page views of each visitor) information, although you can get this from the software I offer on a free trial.

You can see what pages people looked at after that page, which can sometimes indicate unmet needs on the page itself

People may make contact after they visit your goal page, or they may not.

Where they go after that page can indicate there were unanswered questions in their minds.

This commonly happens:

  1. Someone lands on your website with questions in their mind.
  2. They don’t find those questions answered within the page they landed on, or the pages they’re then encouraged onto.
  3. They give you a bit of a chance to answer those questions, clicking around other parts of your website.

Here’s a hypothetical example:

  1. Someone goes to a website that offers SEO services. In their mental shopping list they are looking for:
    a. Proof that the company has produced amazing results for clients, ideally within their own business sector.
    b. Indications of how much the SEO service costs.
  2. They scan the page about the SEO service and find three customer testimonials, but they want more detail and they are wondering why there aren’t many case studies linked to from that website page.
  3. They’re also on the lookout for indications of pricing.
  4. Unable to find what they were looking for, they start clicking to other parts of the website that may contain that information, but they’re not prepared to spend long on that.
  5. They quickly give up, feel that information is being deliberately held back, and they go off to look at other websites that may give them what they were looking for.
  6. Don’t believe me?  This is easily proven within the free trial of the software I provide.  If your website doesn’t answer the questions in the heads of the potential buyers (most commonly related to proof of effectiveness and pricing) then I guarantee your website visitors data will prove that’s a problem that needs to be rectified.

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