Ad Extensions in Google Ads

Ad Extensions in Google Ads

Google Ads extensions can make  your adverts stand out more than competitors so that you get the clicks first.

What are Ad Extensions in Google Ads?

Ad extensions are additional pieces of information that can be included with a standard text ad in Google Ads.  They offer extra value to the ad by providing Google searchers with more context and options beyond the basic ad content.  When well-utilised, ad extensions can significantly improve ad visibility and click-through rates (CTR).

These extensions appear alongside the standard ad, making the ad more prominent and engaging for users.  By showcasing essential business information or enticing offers, ad extensions capture attention and encourage users to take action.

Types of Ad Extensions

Google Ads offers various types of ad extensions, each serving a specific purpose to enhance the ad’s relevance and effectiveness.  Here are the key types:

  1. Sitelink Extensions: These display additional links to specific pages on the website, directing users to relevant sections. For instance, a retail store might use sitelink extensions to highlight categories like “New Arrivals” or “Best Sellers.”
  2. Callout Extensions: Callouts allow advertisers to showcase unique selling points or offers in short, concise phrases.  They appear below the ad and add value by highlighting benefits like “Free Shipping” or “24/7 Customer Support.”
  3. Location Extensions: Ideal for businesses with physical locations, these extensions display the business address, a map, and the distance from the user’s location.  This is important for attracting local traffic.
  4. Call Extensions: These enable advertisers to display a phone number with the ad.  Users can directly call the business, enhancing leads and customer engagement.  For businesses focused on customer enquiries or bookings, call extensions are useful.
  5. Message Extensions: This extension allows users to send a text message directly to the business from the ad.  It’s a convenient option for users who prefer texting for enquiries or appointments.
  6. Price Extensions: Advertisers can display specific products or services with their respective prices.  Searchers can click on the items to view more details or make a purchase.
  7. App Extensions: For businesses with a mobile app, this extension provides a link to download the app, encouraging app installations and usage.
  8. Promotion Extensions: Advertisers can showcase special promotions or offers, such as discounts or sales events, encouraging users to take advantage of limited-time deals.
  9. Structured Snippet Extensions: These extensions allow advertisers to provide additional details about the products or services offered.  They can include categories, features, brands, and more.

Strategic Benefits of Ad Extensions

  1. Improved Ad Visibility: Ad extensions make ads more prominent on the search results page, occupying additional space and capturing more attention from users.
  2. Increased CTR and Engagement: The extra information and options provided by ad extensions entice users to interact with the ad, leading to higher click-through rates (CTR) and enhanced engagement.
  3. Enhanced Relevance: Ad extensions allow advertisers to tailor their message to specific audience segments or products, improving overall ad relevance and user satisfaction.
  4. Better User Experience: By presenting useful information upfront, ad extensions offer a more convenient and informative experience for users, aligning with their intent.

Best Practices for Effective Ad Extension Usage

  1. Relevance: Ensure that the ad extensions are relevant to the ad and the landing page.  This coherence improves the user experience and boosts ad performance.
  2. Regular Review and Updates: Continuously monitor the performance of ad extensions and update them to reflect any changes in offerings, promotions, or business details.
  3. Testing and Experimentation: A/B testing different types of ad extensions and variations can provide insights into what works best for the target audience.
  4. Mobile Optimisation: Given the increasing mobile usage, ensure that ad extensions are optimised for mobile devices to maximise their impact.


Ad extensions are useful in that they can enrich ad visibility and engagement.

By strategically utilising various types of extensions, advertisers can provide users with pertinent information and incentives, ultimately leading to increased interactions and conversions.

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