Around the web in 80 mistakes

I’ve identified 80 mistakes that stop websites from gaining more enquiries and sales from visitors (and how to avoid them).

I used to run webinars, randomly picking out as many mistakes as possible within the one hour Zoom call, and people loved them.

But there were too many topics to cover.

Too many to squeeze into an hour.

Too many and too overwhelming to fit into a website page or PDF.

The feedback I received was that they would be perfect in bite-sized chunks that people can digest each day as part of an email sequence.

People also told me that I should charge for them because of the value they bring.

So I am … and I’m not.

I’m offering a hybrid.

What you get

I’m giving away the first 8 of the 80 for free as part of a daily email sequence that you can sign up to below.

What happens after the free 8?

You’d get another email offering you to carry on receiving more for the following 72 days for the bargain price of £40 / $40.

If you choose not to continue, you won’t get any more emails.

If you do choose to continue then the content of those emails will prove to you how easy it is to get a huge return on the fee paid.

I also offer an unconditional 100% refund guarantee on the cost if you feel that the emails didn’t bring you enough value.


What’s in the emails

Here’s what the whole series of daily emails covers, in this order and including the first free 8 days …

  1. Product/service pages incomplete without case studies/testimonials
  2. Failing to spend time comparing to competitors
  3. Not using Google Search Console properly to identify organic keyword and conversions opportunities
  4. Spending on SEO before conversions are guaranteed
  5. Failing to focus on your most popular product/service page conversions
  6. Not focusing on search terms and negatives in Google Ads
  7. Lack of pricing clarity
  8. Not recording monthly metrics
  9. Live chat not on your website
  10. Personas – not focusing on the people landing on your website
  11. No or poor video vs your competitors
  12. Not linking your enquiries/sales back to sources
  13. Free demo/consultation option without pricing on the website
  14. Not tracking businesses or residential visitors to your website (general intro to both companies and geo tracking)
  15. Not testing different ways to follow up on companies that visit the website (follows on from yesterdays)
  16. Focusing on levels of website traffic instead of conversions
  17. Poor focus on international customers
  18. Typos
  19. Trusting Google Ads to do the right thing
  20. Limited contact options on website
  21. Contact form thank you not having unique url (follows on from yesterday)
  22. Poor images vs your competitors
  23. Website date not updated (lack of attention to detail)
  24. Not using remarketing
  25. Clients/Case studies not clearly visible
  26. Case studies too low down the website page (follow on from yesterday)
  27. DIY instead of Done for You website changes & marketing
  28. Google Ads targeting the wrong countries
  29. Having clickable links that aren’t obvious
  30. Not using Google Ads IP exclusions for internal, competitors, suppliers, education
  31. Trusting online directories
  32. Printed marketing going to generic landing pages
  33. Not filtering website visitors to those from target countries only
  34. Not linking incoming phone calls back to what made them happen
  35. Failing to update website content every 6 months
  36. Not getting email alerts when companies of interest visit your website
  37. Not focusing on visitors that only view the page they landed on
  38. Being unaware of 404 errors
  39. Not analysing how blog/content traffic could convert to more business
  40. Failing to check the return on investment from social media advertising
  41. Not tracking email marketing clicks beyond the landing page
  42. Pages buried too deep within the website
  43. Trusting what external suppliers say
  44. Not focusing on goal paths for website visitors
  45. Website loading speed testing
  46. Neglecting to look deeper at incoming enquiries
  47. Not following up on companies that go to only one page
  48. Missing the benefits of heatmapping software
  49. Using no reply email addresses in email marketing
  50. Not digging deep enough into potential companies visiting the website
  51. Lack of a favicon stops standing out in the web browser
  52. Videos that are too long and too detailed
  53. Use of stock photography
  54. Failing to remove international visitors from ‘useful visitors’
  55. Not thinking about what’s in people’s heads
  56. Accepting Google Ads automatically applied recommendations
  57. Lack of depth focus on accreditations & memberships
  58. Untrackable pages
  59. About Us/Team pages that don’t exist or only show key people
  60. Routinely checking that the contact form is working
  61. Obscuring clickable items with other things
  62. Not checking for mobile device compatibility
  63. Website design that conflicts with reality
  64. Lack of guarantees
  65. Lack of free offerings (follows on from yesterday)
  66. Not acting on decreasing numbers to highest landing pages over time
  67. Neglecting to put prices in Google Ads text
  68. Search function analysis failure
  69. Website design that alienates more than it attracts
  70. Not appearing in Google Images search results
  71. Navigation bar doesn’t stay sticky
  72. Not linking to new tab after some clicks
  73. Not using campaign url builder on links
  74. Using PDFs instead of website pages
  75. Using Gmail/generic email addresses
  76. Newsletter signup without spam reassurances
  77. Assuming people know to ‘Click here’.
  78. Mobile only number on the website
  79. Not asking the right questions of your web & marketing suppliers
  80. No parking information


Sign up

Complete your details below to get the first 8 days free.

After those 8 days you’ll receive another email offering you to carry on receiving more for the following 72 days for £40 / $40.

If you choose not to continue, you won’t get any more emails.

If you do choose to continue then the content of those emails will prove to you how easy it is to get a huge return on the fee paid.

You also have my unconditional 100% refund guarantee on the cost if you feel that the emails didn’t bring you amazing value and would just need to let me know to get that refund.