Targeting mortgage-seekers who visited the website

Targeting mortgage-seekers who visited the website

Letters through letterboxes, customised to what each person looked at on the website, gave a second chance of conversion from the potential customers.

Client: Mortgage advisors
Location: UK, Somerset

Summary of the work

This small local firm of mortgage advisors wanted to know more about visitors to their website services pages.

Identifying residential visitors by area they hand-posted information packs that were tailored to what each visitor looked at on the website.  For example, if a visitor looked at the remortgaging page then they would receive an introductory letter a page containing information about remortgaging and two more pages of testimonials from customers who had used them specifically for remortgaging.

What they said

I’m glad we didn’t send generic brochures out.  The targeted nature of our letterbox campaigns clearly worked because we got more enquiries from people who said they’d had something in the post from us.