Small and locally targeted Google Ads setup to demonstrate return on investment

Small and locally targeted Google Ads setup to demonstrate return on investment

A hypnotherapist with no prior expertise in Google Ads was passed to me by a mutual contact who trusted me to set up a campaign that guaranteed results.

Type of Consultancy: Google Ads setup
Client: Hypnotherapist
Location: UK, Kent
Time Billed: 4 hours

Summary of the work

This client came to me from a mutual contact, who knew that they needed help to increase visibility of their website, and were considering Google Ads.   The mutual contact had heard me previously say that it’s a minefield for new advertisers to get the best from Google Ads.

First I focused the client on their geographical target area and ensured that they had created a landing page that was full of examples of (anonymous) people they’d helped through a specific type of hypnotherapy (anxiety) within that geographical area.

Then I built a very basic Google Ads campaign that focused on just a few very specific keyword phrases related to anxiety, targeting only the geographical target area.

With a website landing page that matched the search phrases and Google Ad perfectly, while giving assurance that the hypnotherapist had the expertise to solve their anxiety problems, people made contact.   Over the first month the cost per acquisition was £3.42 per client who booked, which was very profitable considering each client would typically have 6+ hypnotherapy sessions at a cost of £65 per session.

This whole process of my time was spread over two months, which was enough time to prove it worked.

What they said

It was like flicking a light switch on and the enquiries just started coming in, which amazed me.  I have this nice problem of my anxiety customers recommending me onto others who can benefit, which is filling up my time but I’ll be back to you to build further on what you helped set up.