Pricing clarity needed to increase website development enquiries
Focusing attention on what was in the heads of potential buyers (how much does it cost?), my recommendation substantially increased enquiries for this web developer.
Type of Consultancy: Pricing clarity
Client: Web development
Location: UK, Wirral
Time Billed: 3.25 hours
Summary of the work
While you’d expect web developers to fully understand how to convert visitors to enquiries, my experience has been that most of them don’t. They either don’t provide enough case studies or, in this case, don’t make pricing clear.
They had a pricing page, which had low levels of website visitors getting to it and of those that did, they were greeted with a need to complete a form to get pricing quotes. Not many forms were completed.
My work focused the client on two actions:
- Divide the pricing page into sections showing projects delivered within price bandings of a) $1,000 – $3,000; b) $3,000 – $6,000; c) $6,000 – $10,000; d) $10,000 – $15,000. This gave visitors to the page indications of what they could get within certain budget ranges.
- Creating stronger calls to action buttons (to Pricing) within all the individual service pages.
What they said
Because we were getting some pricing quotations completed, there was internal resistance to changing that strategy. I’ve got to say though: your strategy has made a huge difference and it’s also something that we’re going to implement on some of our client websites in the future.