Personalised Champagne Strengthening Shopping Cart Completions

Personalised Champagne Strengthening Shopping Cart Completions

Low browse to shopping cart checkout conversions were as a result of weak clarity on the strength of the product, lack of social proof, and elements of the website that needed to be clearer.

Type of Consultancy: Identification of sales blockers
Client: Personalised champagne supplier
Location: South Coast, UK
Time Billed: 2.5 hours

Summary of the work

This business had a weak view of website visitors movement patterns and were frustrated with trying to get to grips with Google Analytics.

My work involved focusing them on the funnels of purchase within their website, working backwards from the checkout to the basket and then to the champagne type page, and finally up the funnel to the summary of all champagne types within each grouping.

The data showed dropouts at each stage of the funnel, with the most significant problems being due to these factors:

  1. Lack of clarity about the high quality of the champagne
  2. Call to action buttons absent (assumption that people knew to click on the images)
  3. The need to make it clear that the price shown initially is the total price they pay, including delivery
  4. Lack of testimonials linked to each champagne product type
  5. Credit and debit card symbols too low on the checkout page and absent earlier in the buying process
  6. FAQs were buried where people couldn’t find them


What they said

You’ve shown how much of a challenge it is to be too close to a business.  I know we have a fantastic product with many customers but the potential customers couldn’t see that shine through.

Most of your recommendations were quite quick to implement and I will come back to you for more analysis when the changes have had time to prove themselves.