From cold calling to identifying and following up on companies that visited the website
This recycling services customer started tracking companies visiting their website in 2016 and completely shifted their sales staff activity from cold to warm leads.
Client: Recycling services
Location: UK, Surrey, Essex, Kent
Summary of the work
Previously unaware that it was possible to identify many of the companies visiting their website, this regional recycling business had historically cold-called potential clients of their recycling collection services.
Within a 30 day trial they discovered that 16% of their website visitors could be identified by company name and the pages those visitors went to on their website. This amounted to 73 companies that were allocated to their sales staff to follow up with.
Those sales staff used LinkedIn to identify relevant people within those companies and reached out to them via telephone and LinkedIn messaging, noting that someone from their company had visited their website but didn’t make contact.
This resulted in new business being gained and also gaining feedback on where their website was lacking, which stopped many of those visitors from originally making contact.
This client now ensures their sales staff start their day acting on the identifiable companies that visited them the previous day, before focusing on other cold outreach activity.
What they said
Now over 7 years later it’s still working for us and we’ve been able to attribute many hundreds of thousands of ongoing business revenue back to the initial contacting of companies that visited us so yes, it’s paid for itself millions of times over!